Nov 10, 2009

Sweet Siblings

I just love watching Molly and Will interact. Will runs to the door when I say it is time to go get Molly from school and she runs to the stairs to give him a hug and kiss when he gets up from a nap. Last night, Will was having trouble getting settled to go to bed, so I just held him and rocked him in their room. (Molly and Will share a room and love it!!) Molly looked up from her bed and said she loved it when I rocked Will because it is like I am holding both of them. She is soo sweet! I know I worried about having another after Molly because I didn't know how she would react to not being the only one trying to keep my attention. She has been really amazing this year. She has grown up so fast and is a wonderful, loving sister. They really do love each other and have such a loving relationship already.

On another note we are reminded daily by Molly's accent that we live in Rome. It has become quite Southern. She was working on her newest set of sight word and Jeff held up there--she tried to sound it out and she said "thar". It was so funny. We laugh daily at her accent. What will Will's be like? I try not to bombard her with questions about school every afternoon, she is just tired and will tell me eventually. I do ask her what she had for lunch, she usually says she has forgotten. A few days ago she told me she had a chicken leg and she said she saw it's knee. I laughed so hard, I guess she was talking about the big end of the chicken leg.

Will continues to walk all around the house chasing Molly, or just running. He is into everything!! As boys usually are. I can't wait to see what the next few months bring as far as talking. I love this age from 1-2. He is so sweet and loves to play and get into stuff. He is loving his riding toys that make noise and often just pushes them into the wall and looks at us like, why won't it go? We are blessed with such a happy and healthy family.

Jeff starts his basketball season on Monday, Nov 16. Lots of change going on at Berry, but I think it will be a good season. We went to a scrimmage at the Cage a couple of weekends ago, and lets say I saw no basketball! Will is all over the bleachers and it makes me so nervous. I see us getting lots of exercise on the track around the court this year!


Anonymous said...

I had a smile on my face reading your blob. After an exhausting day, it's good to "see" bliss in someone's life. LOL

They are precious kids with an exceptional mom (and dad, too).

Anonymous said...

I meant blog. That tells you how tired I am.