Oct 21, 2010

Molly's Autobiography

Molly did this at school at the beginning of September. Her teacher even took it to her college class to share. The pictures are hard to see, but she worked really hard and I can already see a major improvement in her handwriting and spelling since then. We are so proud of all her hard work at school.

My name is Molly and I am 6 years old.

My favorite food is pizza and spaghetti.

My favorite thing to do is play outside.
I am really proud of my grades. (Arial view of school and her in her desk with a 100 on her spelling paper).

People should know about me because I am nice.
Three things I want to learn this year is the earth, and science, and social studies. I am pretty sure I didn't know what science and social studies were in the first grade!

Great job Molly!

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