Aug 9, 2010

Molly's first day of first grade!!

Getting ready for the day.
Molly in her classroom. She loves her new teacher, Mrs. Headrick.
Daddy and the kiddos.
Will showing off his new Elmo backpack.
2 school cuties

We love that Molls. She was so excited about school and would really have gone all summer! We Daddy walked her in today. I have to be at work at the same time, just different place, so I was sad not to get to go. She did great though and rode the bus to afterschool, riding the bus for the first time. We are so proud of her and who she is--a confident, sweet and loving girl. We just can't believe she is in first grade, and will turn 6 on Saturday! I tease her that she is not six, she is 5 +1!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This year is bittersweet. This is the first time you haven't been a part of my kids lives in 5 years! I'm glad we both moved on instead of just one or the other.

You are a gifted teacher. Molly is precious.

Tell her Happy Birthday from J:)